Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good Morning America

Good Morning America ended up interviewing me!! I ended up getting a call from the producer on Saturday telling me their flight would land in Portland at 9:15 am Monday morning. I knew there was no backing out then!

The camera crew showed up a lot earlier than the Good Morning America girls. They totally transformed our house and made it look like a TV studio. Huge lights everywhere, cameras---they even had to put stuff on the outside windows to get the lighting right! I have never seen so much equipment!

Correspondent Lisa Fletcher was the one to interview me. They first interviewed me in our living room. We both sat on our bar stools face-to-face. They kept telling me to "pretend the cameras aren't there." Ya right!! It was so hard! After that we moved into our dining room and I explained one of the pictures I have of my leg during my biopsy and the tumor site.

My mom came out to just watch but after she started talking, they asked her if they could interview her too. I knew that would happen! I even warned her! She tends to get pretty emotional and fired up about the whole situation, so as soon as she started talking I knew they would want her to talk! She did an awesome job though!

After all of the interviews, they wanted Joe and I to cook something. We didn't really have anything to cook, so Joe made an omelet. It was so awkward! They told us to just talk and pretend they weren't there. I started to cut something and the knife I grabbed was duller than a butter knife and the camera man was totally zoomed in on my hands! Joe was like, "Do you need a sharper knife?!" Hahahaha.....hopefully all of that gets cut. It was pretty much an all day ordeal, but they said the clip will only be about 3-4 minutes.

After everyone left, I had to go to Peace Health and get my original MRI, the one that was misread. Since Dr. Nichols (my oncologist) is out of the country, they overnighted all of films to Dr. William Bradley at UCSD. Dr. Bradley is Chairman of the Department of Radiology, and a Professor of Radiology at UCSD School of Medicine. He knows his stuff!

The segment will air either on November 22 or 23. Nicole said she'll let me know next week what day for sure. I'll keep all of you posted!

I'm a little worried about giving Longview Radiology a bad reputation, but then again, they misread my MRI! Had it not been for the extreme pain I was in, I would've just assumed it was something that was going to take time to heal. And if it was totally obvious on the MRI and got overlooked, how many other people are walking around with horrible things wrong with them but are unaware because their initial MRI was read as normal? It's scary!

Alright, that's all. Just had to share the news! It all seems surreal. When they left I looked at Joe and said, "Did that really just happen?!" Definitely a once in a lifetime thing.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

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