Saturday, December 19, 2009

My mind escapes me

Last night I had the weirdest thing ever happen to me. We were on our way to Joe's company Christmas party and on our drive I lost all of my short-term memory. I would ask Joe something, he'd answer and then I'd ask the same thing again. It was driving me (and him too) crazy. I remember saying, "Oh my gosh, what if I've permanently lost my short term memory?" He said it would suck, he'd have to start writing every thing he says or does down on paper so I'd remember. Hahaha. Anyway, it continued to get worse once we got to the party. I was talking to one of his co-workers and wanted to say something (in relation to the conversation) but totally forgot what I was going to say and what we had been talking about. I had 1/2 glass of wine (Joe spilled most of it) and started getting double vision. I can't remember anything I talked to anyone about at the party and after we left I told Joe I needed to go to Wal-Mart to pick up pictures. I kept asking him why we were going to Wal-Mart on our drive there and I forgot again once we got in what we were there for.

We made it home but on our way here I got the most horrible headache I've ever experienced. I was totally doubled over in pain and didn't think I was going to make it to bed. I remember thinking before I fell asleep "please don't let this be here when I wake up." I woke up at 6 and feel pretty much back to normal. Just a little freaked out by last nights episode. Has this ever happened to you? Made the mistake of telling my mom (partly because I needed to tell her how embarrassed I was to be in front of all of Joe's co-workers acting/feeling that way). Now she has me worried that I could've had a mini stroke or some crazy type of brain tumor! I'm still alive and kicking this morning to apparently it's nothing that bad. And even better, my mom just talked to Sue (who was at the party) and she said I acted totally fine and acted like I was having a great time. What the...

I told my mom this is how I would imagine someone to feel after receiving the date rape pill. My night, and even my day at work, has totally escaped me.

Here's to hoping for a memorable day. :)

P.S. If any doctors are reading this, feel free to chime in! Did I just have a severe case of chemo brain?


Elaine said...

I know I never comment, so maybe this is weird, but...that has only happened to me when I've been pregnant! Anyways, I hope you have a great Christmas Katie.

Alicia said...

Katie, you need to tell your doctor what happened. That severe headache thing happened when I had the brain aneurysm. So, better to be safe than sorry and find out what's up!!