Saturday, July 26, 2008


We woke up on Friday morning to this on Joe's truck:
Our entire neighborhood got spray painted. There were swastikas all over, a few other trucks spray was pretty bad. We called the sheriff and he came out, but they didn't have any idea who was doing it. Luckily the idiot decided to try to paint again last night and someone saw him and reported that he had a mohawk. Having a mohawk makes you pretty easy to spot...especially if you're the only kid in the neighborhood who has one, so the sheriff went and questioned him and he admitted to doing all of it. Thank goodness he's been caught! Hopefully he's locked up in juvi right now!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Joe got a new job!

After two years of working at CAS, Joe got a new job working in the lab at Kemira. He gave his two-week notice today and his first day at Kemira will be August 4th. We're both so excited! And that includes my parents. People have been asking if they're upset, but the answer is no. Not at all! This is a big stepping stone and will give him the experience he needs to take over as CEO for my dad in a few years. :) Just kidding....

I'm just thankful everyone is happy for him and he doesn't have to experience what I went through. But then again, my dad would never be upset about any of his employees advancing in their career even if that meant leaving the company. Anyway, YAY for JOE!

We went camping last weekend at Lake Merwin with Kim and George. It was so much fun! I love that place. It's paradise....and so close to home! Here's a picture from our campsite:
It was a nice little getaway! And tomorrow Joe and I are going camping again. This time we're going up to Alder Lake with Jenny, Casey, Aaron and Kendra. Oh, and the baby. :) I'm so excited! Yet another busy weekend. We've been busy and/or out of town every weekend this summer. Kind of ironic considering my health. Pretty good sign that I'm back to good health though!

My hair is starting to grow back like crazy! And it's coming in thicker than ever. NOT what I wanted! I was hoping it would be a little thinner this time around. I'll probably end up with it being twice as thick and even curlier. Just a few more weeks and I think I'm going to ditch the wig. Now that the hair is coming back, it's super hot. And itchy. Not fun at all!

Alright, time for bed. I'm up late tonight...I've been going to bed at 8:15-8:30ish nightly. I get mad at myself for being lazy, but then I remember all the crap I've gone through the last few months and just hit snooze and enjoy my 12 hours of nightly sleep. :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! It feels weird saying can it possibly be the 4th already!? Summer is flying by!

I had my 20th (and LAST!) radiation last Friday. It feels weird to be done. I am happy to be done, but at the same time it's really scary. I think being done has been harder on me emotionally than going through everything. When I was having treatment, I was constantly "killing" the cancer. Now it's like they've done everything they can for me and now we just have to wait for the smoke to clear and hope that there's nothing left. I had my first big check-up with Dr. Nichols on Wednesday. He seems to think everything is good, but we'll have to wait until my PET/CT scan on September 8th. It's too soon to have scans since I just finished radiation, that's why we have to wait until September.

I've been totally exhausted the past week. Dr. Nichols said that can happen after's taken a toll on my body....but it's so frustrating! Not having energy is the worst!

Last Sunday we got up at 4:00 AM, braved the scorching heat and did the LIVESTRONG 5K at NIKE Headquarters in Beaverton. It was so much fun! I was surprised at how much fun it was actually! There were 13 people on my team. It was a pretty good feeling....especially when I walked with all of the survivors at the very end. I'm a survivor!

Hope everyone has a good 4th! We're going to the Staple's at around 1, then to Jenny and Casey's and then we're driving up to Edgewood later this evening and we'll be up there until Sunday. It's going to be another busy weekend!