Monday, February 28, 2011

Mom brain

Mom brain, I really have it bad. And therefore, I am a believer it really exists. It seems most of my mom brain moments have involve laundry.

1. Without thinking, I decided to throw our beautiful Hotel Collection bedding in with white towels and lots of bleach. I opened to switch from wash to dryer to find a hideous purple pillowcase (luckily that was the only thing I decided needed to be washed!).

2. Saturday I was moving laundry from washer to dryer and instead of starting the dryer I started the washer. With nothing in it.

3. Putting towels in dryer and coming back to fold them only to find I never started the dryer. Done this one a few times.

4. And today, as I was getting ready to get out of the shower I realized I hadn't even washed my hair yet.

Oh, can't forget leaving a pot of soup on 'simmer' on the stove for almost 8+ hours while I was gone all day! Does it ever get better?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I want a new kitchen!

Actually, I just want new appliances. Joe and I were feeling antsy last night so we loaded up Liam and braved the frigid cold weather to go browse around Lowe's. I love that place! We initially went to find new pendant lights for above our island and kitchen sink but ended up coming home empty handed (Joe needs to measure), but also with a new list of 'wants' for our kitchen. Our appliances are pretty cheap. Especially our dishwasher. We basically have to wash everything before we put it in. I'm amazed when I go to someones house and see the dirty plates they can put in. I always say, "Your dishwasher will get that off??"

Our current appliances, except for our fridge, are white. We can't wait to switch to stainless! And if we're going to replace the dishwasher, it'll look tacky to have our stove/oven and microwave the only white things. So, here is what we found....

The oven is by far the coolest! We don't have room for a double oven....never knew they made double single ovens! SO cool! Something new to start saving for!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Joe enjoying the view in Maui with Liam...wish we were there now. Go away, snow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 months!

I'm a couple of days late, but Liam is now 4 months old! I should start every monthly-milestone blog the same---"it's gone so fast, I can't believe it"---because I'm beginning to sound like a broken record! It really has though. Yet in some ways I find it hard remembering what an 8lb baby felt like. He's become quite the load to tote around!

For his 4 month celebration, Joe and I spent the day with my sister, bro-in-law and Sophie. The guys watched the babies while we had massages (SO nice), we did a Costco run, had dinner at 360 and dessert at Menchie's. It was a perfect day and we've decided we need to keep making it a monthly date!

Ever since we got back from Maui, Liam had been sleeping horribly. Like he did when he was a newborn, waking up every 2-3 hours and not going back to sleep unless I fed him. I researched and talked to other moms and supposedly it's what they call a "4 month sleep regression", basically a fancy name for a big growth spurt. It was hard to take since he had been sleeping 11-12 hours every night. I felt like a zombie for a few days and realized it probably happens so you don't forget how exhausting those first weeks are and get tricked in to having another too soon. :)
During this time, we noticed some very big changes. He is talking (we call cooing talking!) like crazy, grabbing toys on his jumper, etc. It's like all of a sudden everything is clicking and he realizes he's in control of his voice, his hands...that all takes a lot of energy and calories. Hearing him and seeing him move it's no wonder why he needed more to eat during this time. I think it might be over now though. He went to bed at 7:15 last night, I think that's the earliest yet, and is still sleeping at 7:41am. Thank you, Liam. :)

I'm still breastfeeding and feel so good about it. It's crazy to think that's the only thing he's had these past 4 months. I'm so glad I have been able to do it, I love it. It's so easy and convenient, I really dislike the whole bottle thing. My house already looks like a daycare with all the baby gear everywhere, the last thing I need is a counter full of bottle pieces to add to the mess! Hoping I'm as lucky with baby #2 someday!

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My next ride....

Just pretend that's a picture of Joe and I walking to our Routan in Maui. :) We rented a van this trip because we shared a car with the in-laws and we ended up with a Volkswagen Routan. I loved it! I miss it! I want a Routan! Yes, it's ugly but I miss all the conveniences of it so much! Whenever we'd go somewhere in Maui, all 4 of us and Liam would load up then we'd stop and pick my parents up. So it was easily--and comfortably--enough room for all of us to ride together. How awesome is that?! And there was still enough room in the back for Liam's stroller and other baby gear. Sorry, Subuaru....I think the Routan has stolen my heart!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I have a voice!

Liam has really started using his voice lately, here's his latest conversation with daddy. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Don't worry, these pictures are from LAST year. Rest assured I am NOT pregnant! I'm just sitting here reminiscing about Valentine's Day 2010. It was undoubtedly the most exciting I've ever experienced. Just a few days prior I found out I was pregnant! So far in my life I've experienced three big natural highs. The day I got married, the day I found out we were pregnant and the day Liam was born. The feeling of being on top of the world, the feeling of it being hard to keep a smile off of my face. I remember waiting for the 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' words to pop up. I thought for sure it would say 'not pregnant' and was trying my hardest not to get my hopes up. When it popped up 'pregnant' I couldn't believe it. Since Joe was at work, all I could do was grab Subie and shriek with excitement. I wanted to open the door and run around then neighborhood shouting, "I'm PREGNANT!!!" Valentine's 2010 was special because this was the day we told our parents. I hosted a Valentine's Day brunch and invited them down. It was a wonderful, memorable day. The picture of Joe and I was at dinner Valentine's day night. We went with both sets of parents to celebrate. Now, as I sit here blogging and watching my sweet baby sleeping in his bouncy seat, it's amazing to think of what has happened since last year. He is the sweetest Valentine gift in the world!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh, Maui....I miss you so!

We had another perfect vacation in Maui! My biggest concern, flying with Liam, wasn't even close to being an issue! The flight attendants fell in love with him and it was all good from that point on. We even had an empty seat next to us so we were able to take his car seat on board allowing him to stretch out and not have to be held the entire flight. So nice! We weren't so lucky on the way home but like the flight there, he did awesome. Hardly made a peep!

It was so sad leaving yesterday. Why is it vacations have to go so fast? All of the anticipation and then they're over in the blink of an eye! I really experience heart ache at the end of every vacation we go on. I've been this way all of my life. My mom and sister are the same way. I remember being young and all three of us being sad to go home and my dad saying, "all good things must come to an end." Joe has that same attitude. He wasn't sad! I wish I could be more like that. Yesterday as we were checking out of our condo Joe said, "the sooner we get back home the sooner we can come again." I keep holding on to that statement. :)

Anyway, it was a wonderful 8 nights and I fell in love with Maui all over again. I can't wait until our next trip with Liam. Next time he'll be even more fun. Wanting to swim, play in the sand....I can't wait!

Here's to hoping warm and dry weather gets here fast. I miss being able to let Liam just hang out in little onesies with no hats/coats/socks and being able to be outside from morning to night! I'm already feeling stir crazy with this rainy weather....

Can't wait to see you next year, Maui!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Does anyone else remember this book? It's always been one of my favorites! When I saw it at Target this afternoon I had to buy it for Liam. It's so sweet, I teared up reading it tonight. I can't wait to read it to him tomorrow.

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be."

Just pictures

Joe and his buddy. This is the only way Liam likes to be carried now....facing out and taking in the world.
Not too happy about his sunglasses. Hoping he'll like them better when he's basking in the Maui heat!

He loves his high chair!