Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh, Maui....I miss you so!

We had another perfect vacation in Maui! My biggest concern, flying with Liam, wasn't even close to being an issue! The flight attendants fell in love with him and it was all good from that point on. We even had an empty seat next to us so we were able to take his car seat on board allowing him to stretch out and not have to be held the entire flight. So nice! We weren't so lucky on the way home but like the flight there, he did awesome. Hardly made a peep!

It was so sad leaving yesterday. Why is it vacations have to go so fast? All of the anticipation and then they're over in the blink of an eye! I really experience heart ache at the end of every vacation we go on. I've been this way all of my life. My mom and sister are the same way. I remember being young and all three of us being sad to go home and my dad saying, "all good things must come to an end." Joe has that same attitude. He wasn't sad! I wish I could be more like that. Yesterday as we were checking out of our condo Joe said, "the sooner we get back home the sooner we can come again." I keep holding on to that statement. :)

Anyway, it was a wonderful 8 nights and I fell in love with Maui all over again. I can't wait until our next trip with Liam. Next time he'll be even more fun. Wanting to swim, play in the sand....I can't wait!

Here's to hoping warm and dry weather gets here fast. I miss being able to let Liam just hang out in little onesies with no hats/coats/socks and being able to be outside from morning to night! I'm already feeling stir crazy with this rainy weather....

Can't wait to see you next year, Maui!

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