Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We have a walker!

Liam is walking! Actually, talking lots of steps. He'll walk when he wants, crawls when he needs to get somewhere fast. It is the cutest thing I've ever seen! It happened for the first time at his friend Gavin's 1st birthday. Everyone was asking me if he is walking yet and I had just got telling everyone no. Then out of nowhere, he stood up, turned away from me and took off. I couldn't believe my eyes! Luckily Carly had her video camera out so we were able to get some on video. I haven't been able to video any since. Need to have it ready at all times I guess!

Thanksgiving was so perfect this year. Everything was so delicious, company was great and my parents started a new after-dinner tradition, BINGO! Sophie absolutely loved it and it was a fun thing to do after. I was the big winner, McDonald's gift card. Vanilla cones, here I come! Liam loved all of the food, especially stuffing. Mmmm. Still sounds good to me, even after all of the leftovers I've consumed! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think it should be celebrated more than once a year! On Friday we went to Tacoma for our annual Un-Thanksgiving weekend. We've been doing this since Joe and I started dating and we always look forward to it. We had our feast on Saturday and we spent all weekend with Joe's parents. I know Liam is going to love this tradition, he had a blast!

Monday was spent recovering from the weekend and Joe had his final marketing paper to write. YAY! Only 2 more classes and he's done for the semester. He's doing awesome, has gotten A's in every class so far. I know it will be worth it in the end and I am so proud of him!

Liam is battling a cold AGAIN. I can't figure out what the deal is. I have a feeling all of the babies keep passing it around. We took him to the doctor yesterday because he sounded so wheezy and the first thing the doctor said was, "Oh my, how long has he been breathing like this?" Mom FAIL. I felt horrible. I thought she was going to send us to the hospital by the look on her face. He has been acting so chipper, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Especially since every other time we've taken him in they don't do anything for him. She said almost all of his airways were blocked and she was surprised he was in as good of a mood as he was....he still managed to flirt with all the ladies! He's such a little trooper. He has such a good disposition. Even when he's miserable he's still a good baby. Anyway, they had to do a breathing treatment for him and we have a little inhaler for him now. He hates it, hates it, hates it. It takes both of us to get him to do it and I'm pretty sure most of the medicine isn't going where it should be. Please let this pass soon. So worried about him.
He's napping now so I better get busy. He's been taking 3 hour morning naps for the past week. Hope everyone has a good week and a great last day of November! November, you went WAY too fast. I didn't get to enjoy you as much as I had planned. The story of my life!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Search keywords

Ok, totally random blog but I just happened to look at the "stats" section and saw that someone searched the phrase "blue moon peanut butter soup" and was directed to my blog. Random!

Now, on to Google those words and see if there is such a soup, it sounds like it could be a new favorite recipe!

Friday, November 18, 2011


TGIF! Happy Friday! It's been a great week. Wednesday my mamas group decided we should have an art day with the babies. It was really fun but let's just say it didn't go how I had pictured it! I imagined us all sitting around the table, babies on lap and being able to have them cooperate with the project we wanted to accomplish. Not so much! I guess I forgot that none of them like to sit. Throw paint into the equation and all ya have is babies bucking (at least Liam was) to get down but I couldn't let him down because he had paint on his feet. Haha. It was still fun though, I know I say this all of the time, but I'm so thankful for this group of girls. It's been so fun watching all of the babies grow and it's so nice to have the support and friendship. We are having an Ugly Christmas Sweater party, husbands included, in December. Can't wait!

Since the project with Liam didn't turn out how I had hoped, I had an "Auntie Date" with Sophie yesterday and attempted it with her. Turns out, it's still hard to do when they are almost 3! She thought it was fun though and we were able to get one of the Pinterest projects (picture below) I wanted to try (kind 0f) accomplished. I underestimated the size of her hands so we didn't have enough room for a star at the top. It looks more like a Charlie Brown tree. Oh well, it's still pretty cute! After our painting project we went to the Dollar Tree (her request) and then for ice cream. I love being able to do things like that with her! She's at such a fun age.

Alright, better try to make morning nap time a productive one. Happy weekend!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's officially official...

I'm failing big time at blogging! I don't know what's wrong with me. Lately it's as if the littlest tasks seem so exhausting. I mean, how hard is it to sit down and write a few words or post a picture of Liam? Seriously. Hello, lazy. I hope you don't stick around in my life long! Or is this what it feels like to have a "toddler." Which, by the way, I almost cried when my weekly emails changed from "your baby" to "your toddler." Who has a toddler? Me? Really? How can that be?! I feel like Liam is at such an awkward stage right now. He still isn't walking but he wants to so bad. He wants to feed himself but he hasn't mastered it without having to take a bath after. So many things he's trying to do but isn't able to. I feel like he's frustrated. I think I would be if I were in his shoes! It's like he's wanting to be a true toddler but he's stuck in a baby body. He wants to be able to play and run and jump like Sophie. Soon enough, little guy.

Last Friday I was able to get away from the ENTIRE day. First. Time. Ever. It was so nice. I came home feeling totally energized. I haven't really been able to leave for more than a few hours because of breastfeeding and Liam refusing bottles. Now that he's slowed down so much on breastfeeding, I took advantage of Joe being off for the day and took off with my mom and sister. We had the best day. Had a long, relaxing breakfast at Tasty N Sons (SO good), then went to a Christmas Bazaar. It was nice only having to worry about myself. No diapers to change, no little person to feed. And I think it was a great day for Joe. He doesn't get to spend much one-on-one time with Liam so it was perfect. Even came home to dinner almost ready (just leftovers heated up, but was something)! I think it's really important to have days like that more often. Everyone needs a break. I feel guilty for feeling that way but considering that was really the first day I've been away from Liam that long since October 20, 2010, I think I need to get over the guilt. Ok, I'm over it. Already planning the next getaway! Haha.

Alright, gotta start working on dinner while naptime lasts. Happy Wednesday, happy November, happy birthday to JOANNA, happy everything!