Friday, November 18, 2011


TGIF! Happy Friday! It's been a great week. Wednesday my mamas group decided we should have an art day with the babies. It was really fun but let's just say it didn't go how I had pictured it! I imagined us all sitting around the table, babies on lap and being able to have them cooperate with the project we wanted to accomplish. Not so much! I guess I forgot that none of them like to sit. Throw paint into the equation and all ya have is babies bucking (at least Liam was) to get down but I couldn't let him down because he had paint on his feet. Haha. It was still fun though, I know I say this all of the time, but I'm so thankful for this group of girls. It's been so fun watching all of the babies grow and it's so nice to have the support and friendship. We are having an Ugly Christmas Sweater party, husbands included, in December. Can't wait!

Since the project with Liam didn't turn out how I had hoped, I had an "Auntie Date" with Sophie yesterday and attempted it with her. Turns out, it's still hard to do when they are almost 3! She thought it was fun though and we were able to get one of the Pinterest projects (picture below) I wanted to try (kind 0f) accomplished. I underestimated the size of her hands so we didn't have enough room for a star at the top. It looks more like a Charlie Brown tree. Oh well, it's still pretty cute! After our painting project we went to the Dollar Tree (her request) and then for ice cream. I love being able to do things like that with her! She's at such a fun age.

Alright, better try to make morning nap time a productive one. Happy weekend!

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