Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm so glad that my blogging days have started to slow down! It means that life is good! Having a blog sure saved a lot of time repeating the same story over and over and over again though! A lot of the time I felt so horrible I wasn't even capable of even telling it once!

Joe and I had another busy weekend. It was awesome though! On Friday night I met up with some college friends at Duke's in Green Lake for dinner. It was SO good to see them! After that I drove back from Seattle to meet Joe at his parents house. We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing, biking (everyone is getting into biking now!), I went shopping, had a big fire on Saturday night and celebrated Srey's birthday. We didn't get home until around 11:30 Sunday night, so I was pretty exhausted Monday. And all weekend for the most part. I took a nap on Sunday afternoon. I get so tired sometimes I can't even function. I turn into a total zombie. I used to blame chemo, now I blame radiation.

Speaking of radiation, I'm almost done. YAY! My leg is pretty swollen right now, but the doctor doesn't seem to think it's anything to be worried about. I've been walking 3 miles a day...and biking a lot....so hopefully it's just from using it so much. It went from not moving for months to lots of sudden activity! I see Dr. Nichols (my cancer doc) next Wednesday, so hopefully he'll say it's nothing to be worried about.

It's going to be another busy weekend, but busy weekends are my favorite. I hate not having weekend plans! I always have to have things to look forward to! I blame that on my mom, because my sister is the same way! Saturday we're having a garage sale at my house. My neighborhood is having one so we decided to participate. We don't really have anything to sell though. Hahaha, we just like to sit outside and people watch. If you have anything you want to sell, bring it over on Saturday!

Sunday is the LIVESTRONG 5K in Portland. There are 13 of us doing it as of today. If you want to sign up, let me know and I'll tell you how! I didn't realize it was $50 per person. After I found that out I felt guilty asking people to sign up. So don't feel obligated! You do get a free t-shirt though! A $50 t-shirt! Actually, I know the money is going for a great cause. LIVESTRONG has helped me a lot throughout all of this, so I know it will be put to good use!

Next cancer check-up is July 2. Hopefully I only get good news!

P.S. My hair is starting to grow back a little bit! It's like this weird peach-fuzzy stuff. Looks like I'll be wearing a wig for a lot longer!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I ♥ camping!

This past weekend a group of nine of us went camping at Fort Stevens. I'd been wanting to go there for awhile, I have such great memories of camping there growing up, but since it's by reservation only, it's really hard to get in. A few weeks ago I checked to see if by chance there were some open sites and there were! So we loaded up everything on Friday after work and went. It was so much fun! I don't know what it is about camping, but I love everything about it! Joe and I roughed it and were in a tent, but that's one of the best parts!

As we were crossing the bridge on our way back into town yesterday, Louis and Ann, some of our friends from college, called and they were passing through Longview on their way home to Seattle from Cannon Beach so we got to see them. It was so good to see them! Even though we reeked like campfire and were pretty grungy looking, I'm glad we were able to meet up with them. And I got to see Ann's ring. It's gorgeous! I'm so happy for them!

As far as my health goes, I started my third week of radiation today. It's going good, except it's making me really tired. I'm usually in bed by 7:30 (tonight is a late night for me!) and it's a struggle to wake up in the morning for work. Going through chemo is starting to feel like a dream now. People ask me about it and it doesn't seem real. It feels like it was so long ago. I'm so happy that chapter of my life is over with! I think I might be starting to get sick now though. My throat is killing me and I've been coughing a lot. Hopefully it's just allergies. Or perhaps it's from being so busy over the weekend. It doesn't take much to wear me out!

Thanks again to all of you for your support. I know I've said this a million times, but it means so much! I couldn't have gotten through this without all of you!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I just had to share this picture. Subie loves to sleep with us, usually right between us. He is definitely the King of the house! And he knows it! I never thought we could love and spoil a cat so much! I didn't even really like cats until he came along!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hey everyone! I mentioned this before, but on June 29, I'm doing the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Portland. It's a 5K walk, run or there's also a bike ride. Since I'm still going through treatment, I'm doing the 5K walk.

I formed a team called 5K for Katie. I thought that would be easy for everyone to find on the website when registering.

To register go to this site: http://portland08.livestrong.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=262626&lis=1&kntae262626=A2766E1E910444E3AF545936864F5018&login=t

It's pretty self explanatory after you get to the site. After you click on join a team (unless you don't want to be on my team!), you can join an existing team and there will be a drop down and you'll see 5K for Katie near the top.

A lot of you have said you don't know if you could walk that far, but it's only 3.1 miles! And just think, since I still kinda walk with a limp, I will be walking pretty slow, so you can walk with me...it's not a race!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, June 2, 2008

False alarm

After stressing all weekend that I had something else horribly wrong with me, we found out today it's nothing to be worried about. The doctor explained at my appointment that he saw an unusual looking line in my femur, so that's why I had to have more scans Friday night. They needed to see how far up it went and also compare it to the other leg. Luckily, the left leg had the same line so everything is fine....apparently it's just the way my body is. If it hadn't showed up on the left side, something would've been wrong. I was kind of upset that I had to go in for more scans without much explanation, but he said when they see something unusual, they always assume the worst. So I guess it's better to be paranoid than to just brush things off, and I'm thankful that he was looking out for me!

Today was my first radiation and everything went well. Compared to chemo, it's going to be a piece of cake! I've been having a little bit of pain in my leg, but I think it might just be from being active again. Hopefully the radiation will take the pain away though!

Alright, that's all. Just wanted to let everyone know my scan was actually fine. Thank goodness! Joe has to go back to work for an hour or so, so I'm going to bed. Nothing like crawling into bed when it's still light out. Apparently my energy is still on vacation. I'm exhausted!