Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Future class clown

Whenever someone asks Liam what his name is, he gets a mischievous smile on his face.  I can totally see the wheels turning as he's trying to think of something funny to say.  His standard answers are:  Bob, Silly Willy or Poo Poo.  Where do they come up with this stuff?  The things he says always amaze me.  Yesterday we were driving to town and passed a building that used to be a produce stand we went to a lot when he was a baby--it's been at least a year or more since they've been open.  He randomly asked if that was the building we used to go get cherries at.  How do they remember this stuff?  When I told him yes it was but they went out of business he replied with, "Well goodness, that sure is odd."  Hahahaha.

BIG NEWS in our house.  A couple of weeks ago Liam threw his binky in the garbage!  Joe and I had been in Seattle on an impromptu date night, Joe's parents were babysitting.  When we got back Jayne told us what he had done.  I was devastated.  I was needing sleep badly that night and was not very happy it was gone---it had been a rough week and this was the topper!  Not to mention it was the ONLY binky he would use and we even had.  I was about to go get an emergency one at Walgreens but I knew I couldn't do that.  To our surprise, he did fine that night and hasn't asked about it since.  He'll tell people he threw it away but doesn't get upset about it.  Thank goodness.  I did make Jayne dig it out of the garbage after we left though, I couldn't stand knowing it would end up at the dump.  That binky was with my baby for a long time---I'm going to cut the nipple off and save it.  I'm just glad it was easier than we thought it would be.  He was addicted to it.  It made for some early mornings and no-nap days as he adjusted but we are pretty much back to our routine.  I cancelled his dentist appointment earlier this month, I knew I would get lectured about him still having it because at his appointment 6 months ago the dentist said it needed to be gone the next time he saw us.  We rescheduled for tomorrow and I have a little guy who is very excited to tell the dentist what he did. :)

We also took Liam to his first movie yesterday.  We want to take him to see Planes but wanted to see if he could make it through an entire movie first.  When I say this is his first movie, it's not just his first movie in a theatre.  It was his first movie ever.  We aren't big tv/movie watchers in our house.  He did great!  He was totally taken with the experience, loved every minute of it and said he wants to go see Planes next.

Happy Wednesday, I feel good that I got some of this written down.  I'll consider this his baby book since that is totally non-existent.  ;)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This past weekend Joe and I were in Naches for Aili and Ryan's wedding (I was a bridesmaid).  It was at Whistlin' Jack's lodge.  What a fun place!  I had never been there before.  Her parents have a house right on the river, it was gorgeous.  There is a trail between their house and the lodge.  Joe and I took his parents truck/camper and camped next to my aunt and uncle.  Camping in a camper is the way to do it!  You get spoiled really fast.  That was my first time ever not being in a tent.  How nice to get up and go to the bathroom...without having to brave the elements outside! ;)  Joe's parents kept Liam for the weekend, it was the first time we've ever left him anywhere for two nights.  As expected, he had a blast with them.  So lucky to have grandparents in his life.  I always envied the kids who got to stay with their grandparents and do fun things with them.  I never had that and I really missed out on a lot of good memories.  

The reception is this Saturday so we'll be doing it all again.  Looking forward to it!  

It has been one busy summer though.  I looked at the calendar and we have been gone every single weekend since the middle of June!  No wonder summer is flying by!  It's been so fun but I have to say, I'm looking forward to things slowing down a little (if that's even possible).

Happy Tuesday!