Friday, August 10, 2012

Inherited traits

As Liam gets older, it's fun (and funny) to see some of his inherited traits.  Sitting on the curb is one that he got from me.  I remember doing this all the time when I was little when we lived on Villa Street.  I would watch the neighbors, pick at potato bugs on the ground and watch the world go by.  Liam has been doing the same lately.  Runs around for a bit then goes and parks himself on the curb.  So funny.  Another trait he got from me is a obsession with rubbing things.  He rubs his blanky constantly.  If his blankie isn't nearby he'll find whatever he can and rub it with his thumb and index finger.  He'll even go as far as rubbing the skin on my arm sometimes.  Yeah, I'm the same way.  Not quite that extreme but give me a piece of silk, ribbon or anything else that most people don't consider soft and I like to do the same thing.  Do I have issues?  Maybe so!

The quirky trait he's gotten from Joe is his inability to SUCK on hard candy.  We recently introduced him to organic suckers, only to be used when he gets out of hand at the store or somewhere else I have to go and he hates, but good grief.  He's just like his daddy.  As soon as he gets it he chomps it and breaks it apart with his teeth.  Now I'll have to be getting on to both of them about that!  ;)

I'm amazed more and more each day with his development.  There has been a huge change in just the last couple of weeks.  Last night he shocked us, we were eating dinner and I had put a piece of potato on his plate.  He picked it up and said, "No, mama.  I don't like it."  Say what?!  I couldn't believe it.  For a few weeks his answer to everything was 'no.'  Then I think he started thinking it was funny to answer no to everything because it always got a rise out of us.  Like, "Liam, are you having fun?" (as he's splashing in the tub or doing something else he loves) and his answer would be, "Nooo."  Then he'd crack up.  Over the weekend, he started saying "ok" and "yes" a lot. The communication gap is getting smaller and smaller everyday.  He also says really big words (in my opinion) like marionberry, vitamin..... So cute.  Oh, and this one makes Joe happy.  He says "cool car" a lot.

I'm excited for today.  A few of my friends and I are having a canning party.  My friend bought a Groupon for it.  The lady is coming to her house, bringing all supplies and they item we picked to can (green beans), and teaching us how to can.  Should be fun!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.  Happy Friday!

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