Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The hair growing adventure

I'm embarking on a journey that is going to take a tremendous amount of patience. I'm trying to grow my hair out! Going from super-short to any longer is proving to be incredibly hard so far. It looks so awkward, like a mop on my head. Anyone who knows me knows how crazy my hair is. I've always had about 10x more than a normal person, it's totally unruly and so thick I always had a hard time getting it in a pony without breaking the band. If I didn't dry it, it would (no joke) still be wet at bedtime.

Losing my hair through cancer treatment was the best part of that ordeal. I so hoped it would grow back different, preferably thinner and straight, but of course it ended up just the opposite of that. Even thicker now, more wave and curl (but not the good kind). Ugh.

Anyway, the picture on the left is what I'm going for. Top right was Christmas Eve. Yes, I was taking a puff of cigar by the way! And below that is what I feel I look like, hence the need for change ASAP!

If you see me and it looks like I have a mop on my head you'll know why. This will definitely be a test of my patience.

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