Friday, September 4, 2009


Happy Friday! I can honestly say this is the first Friday that I've actually been not excited for the weekend. I needed this past week to go just a little bit slower. Actually, a lot slower! Tomorrow when I wake up the, "Oh my gosh, 1 week" feeling will hit me big time. Ahh! Not nervous about saying 'I do' just a little stressed about all of the last minute things that we need to get done. They'll get done though. And if things don't turn out exactly like I had visioned, no one will know. Right?! I'm getting so excited! I feel like I'm already on a high, hopefully it keeps up as the day gets closer! I'm also feeling a little sad about how fast it will all be over but then I remember that we're going to MAUI. That's a huge detail I haven't really had time to think about. So exciting!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend!

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