Friday, March 2, 2012

When I saved this jpeg, I titled it "scary."  It's my funny face picture for Sophie but I think after seeing it on here it's more scary than funny.  Whatever, it entertained Liam for about 2 seconds so that's a win in my book!  I'll call his look the "teething face."  He's been making funny looking expressions like this the past few days and has been drooling like a mad man.  Hello, new teeth.  I'll be glad when you're all in and leave my baby alone.  It's been a fussy few days and I have bite marks to prove it.

Anyway, HAPPY Friday.  Consider yourself lucky, the only reason I'm blogging right now is because the paper isn't here yet.  Reading the paper has become my new morning routine.  And I love it.  Usually my human alarm goes off before I have a chance to do much more than read it and get my two cups of coffee in me so that will be my excuse today for my lack of blogging.

I was thinking when I rolled out of bed how happy I was it was Friday.  The feeling of it being Friday has changed a bit now that I'm not "working" but I still get an excited rush waking up and knowing it's Friday.  Friday now means less diaper changes for the next two days, running errands solo, having a chance to do something or get out of the house by myself, if even just running those solo errands.  Ahhh.  It's the simple things in life, right?!  Oh, can't forget.  After tonight, I will also be relieved of bed time duty for the next two nights.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my bedtime routine with Liam, especially now that he loves reading so much.  However, it's nice to have daddy take it over when he's off and at home.  Liam enjoys the change too, I'm sure.  It used to take about 10 minutes from the time I started putting on his pj's to him being it is more like 45 because of the reading.  I am already such a pushover.  After I get done reading about 10 books (no joke) and get up to put him in bed, he starts pointing at his books for more.  I give in and go read a few more.  And he's picky about these books.  If I grab the wrong one, he points and grunts until I get the one he wants.  Whatever you say, Master.  I need to remember that I'm the one in control I suppose.  Currently, his favorite book is Once Upon a Potty. He's obsessed.  I would say I read it at least five times a day, sometimes three times just at bedtime.  Maybe this will make him interested in using the potty sooner than later.  We got the chair and he likes sitting on it.  How lucky would I be?  No diapers?  Can't even imagine!

Paper is here and I have more coffee to drink.  Happy Friday, Happy March.  Spring is just around the corner, yay!

1 comment:

J.Han said...

The part about YES MASTER and reading the same book to him cracked me up! So funny that he picks his own's almost like he has a personality and thinks he's a real person or something! CRAZY!