Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas #1

Joe got me new skis for Christmas! They are K2 Burnin' Luv's and they are AMAZING! I tested them out yesterday at Cyrstal. Yesterday was the first time I've been able to ski in a long time .Last year at this time I could hardly walk, let alone ski. It felt so good to be back up on the mountain! I was a little worried about my leg being weak, but it did just fine. I did get tired a lot faster than usual though. At one point I stopped to talk to Joe and I just fell down! My right leg is definitely weak. Hopefully skiing will help it get strong fast!

The weather at Crystal was perfect! Clear sky for the first part of the day with the perfect (in my opinion) amount of powder. I must admit I feel like I've been hit by a truck today though! I am SO sore! It feels good though.......I guess. That's what I'll keep telling myself! I got Joe a weekend ski trip to Bend and Mt. Bachelor for one of his presents, so I'm excited for that! I can hardly keep up with Joe anymore, but luckily he's patient and puts up me. :) Joe's mom and dad got me a Bose Wave Radio for Christmas. I'm so excited to get home and get it set-up! I've wanted one for so long and was totally surprised to get it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It's hard to believe it's already over---it came and went too fast. :( Joe and I ended up spending Christmas with his family this year since my sister was still in the hospital. It's was hard to be away from my family on Christmas, but it was easier knowing I wasn't missing out on anything. We decided to celebrate on New Year's Day instead so I'm looking forward to that.

We're leaving for home tonight. I'm so excited to get home and down to Vancouver to see Sophie!

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