Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas recap

Another Christmas here and gone---unbelievable! It was a wonderful Christmas, I'm sad to see all of the holiday festivities coming to an end. Christmas Eve was spent at my Grandma's house. It was our family as well as the Kamp's. It was fun! We had the best pulled pork sandwiches--yum! Then we had a gift exchange. We played the game where you can steal gifts from people, it was a lot of fun. Joe ended up with $25 worth of car washes and I got a $25 Olive Garden gift certificate. We had dinner with the Staple's and then drove around looking at lights. Actually trying to find grandma, but I'll save that story for another time. :)

Christmas morning we went up to mom and dad's, had breakfast and then opened stockings and our presents. It was so much fun with Sophie this year! She was so into opening gifts, playing with her toys---truly precious! Highlight gifts: I got a Snuggie that I'm currently wrapped in, Joe got private golfing lessons from my mom and dad, I got cooking lessons at Sur la Table and a bunch of other fun stuff. Joe got me a new netbook that I'm currently using to write this post. I love it! My old laptop needs to be trashed. Just last week I had to super glue the 'J' key on! This is a web surfing machine---and it's so compact I can fit it in my purse! His parents got us a big home laptop. We want to get rid of the office in case we ever need to use it for a nursery and we are tired of having a desktop. So as of yesterday, we are a laptop family. It's nice! We can both sit on the couch and surf the web of us doesn't have to be away in the office!

We went up and spent yesterday and last night with the in-laws. It was a great trip and the best part was our 4 hour card game with Joe's grandma and grandpa. I love them! They are so awesome, it was great to be able to spend time with them. The best part was that I won one of the games. That NEVER happens!

Hope everyone had as good of a Christmas as we did. Enjoy your last few days of 2010!

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