Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend recap

It's Monday already? Say it ain't so! Once again the weekend flew by. I woke up feeling great Saturday morning after my episode Friday night. Can I have a re-do on Friday night?! I hope that never happens again. Everyone is convinced I need to call and tell my doctor just so it's documented. I probably will this morning but I don't want to have to go in. I really think I must have just blown a fuse or something. ;)

Saturday Joe took the day off from skiing and braved Portland with me. We first stopped at Toys R Us to shop for Sophie's 1st birthday present. It was the most chaotic place I've ever seen! We found (what we thought) looked like the perfect present and headed for NW 23rd. More relaxed but not by much. I guess I'm not used to waiting until the weekend before Christmas to shop. I didn't really have anything I needed to get, I just wanted to be out and about with a Starbucks holiday cup in my hand! Not the right day to do it! Too. Many. People. We had lunch at Rose's and then headed to Clackamas. Even worse than Toys R Us. I thought people weren't spending money this year? We got home around 7 and Joe was more tuckered out than he is after a day of skiing. Shopping is hard work!

Yesterday was the best day of the weekend, Sophie's 1st birthday party! It was so cute watching her open presents and be surrounded by other little kids around her age. She did SO good, didn't shed a tear the entire day. When it was time for her to dig into her giant cupcake, she daintily put her finger into the frosting and then into her mouth. Guess she didn't want to get dirty. She is so's been so much fun watching her grow and change. It's hard to imagine life pre-Sophie now that she's such a huge part of our family!

Happy Monday! Yay for a short work week!

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