Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm going to be...

....an aunt again! Yep, that's right, my sister is having another baby. JUST KIDDING. Joe's baby brother is having a baby. He announced it when we were up there on Saturday. He didn't act too excited, kinda scared, but I'm sure it will all change when a baby is screaming in his face! Joe and I now have more time to sit back and enjoy being aunt and uncle before jumping on the baby bandwagon. Until then, we're savoring every moment as a family of 3. Life wont be as easy when we can't just pick up and take off for the weekend without having to worry about another human being. Anyway, congrats Matt. Hope you have a baby boy. We don't want you to disappear forever if it's a girl. :)

It's Tuesday! That means only 2 more days of work until the weekend. Oh how I love short weeks! I'm so excited for 2010---I have a feeling it's going to be a great year!

In other news, Joe really wants to buy this car:

Hideous, yes. Practical, almost too much. It's an 05 but fully loaded. Leather seats, heated seats---the whole shebang. It's pretty cheap and he wants a snow car. He can't take my car everytime he goes skiing or we'd be over our mileage even more than we are already. Oh, and it's a manual which is what we both want. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like it........I'd like it even more with tinted windows which would be a must for both of us!

Happy Tuesday!

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