Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And so it begins...

I just said goodbye to my husband. That's right, tomorrow is the opening day at Crystal and he just left me for the mountain. Tonight is the official start of my 'ski widow' status. He decided to leave tonight and drive up and stay with his parents so he doesn't have such a long drive tomorrow morning with his cousin. I want to go! Well, not really. You see, the first year I dated Joe I made the mistake of turning him into a ski monster. I'll never forget the first time we went. I took him to White Pass with my cousin Brian. If you need a confidence boost, all you need to do is take someone skiing that's never been before. I felt like a pro and he couldn't even hardly stand up for more than 2 minutes without falling down. He hated it. I remember him throwing his poles down at one point and saying how stupid skiing was. Fast forward a week and he's at it again, determined to get good. Two weeks after that he's becoming slightly obsessed. And loving it. Next thing I know he's going on all of his days off and wanting to go every weekend. Before the end of that season he was better than me and I've been skiing since the young age of 9 or 10. Not fair!

Fast forward another 4 years to today and he's 100% totally addicted/obsessed/in love with skiing. A double black diamond skiing phene. Needless to say I can't keep up.....nor do I have any desire to. Double black diamonds? No thanks.

Him and his cousin are even taking an Avalanche training course this winter. They're pretty hard core. Hopefully he slows down a little eventually and I'll be able to keep up again.........

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