Friday, November 6, 2009

My next car

Everyone who knows Joe knows his obsession with cars. He can tell you anything about any car, truck, SUV and van including what was included on specific years, etc. He even knows random facts (what year the headlights changed) on cars he could care less about. Anyway, we leased my Subaru Legacy and the lease is up October 2010. Joe's been researching cars since Day 1 of the lease and I think he's counting down the days until we get a new car. I'm pretty sure my next car will be the all-new 2010 Subaru Outback. I don't know how I feel about driving a wagon but it's functionality is really hard to beat. We went to Clary's last Sunday and sat in one and there's tons of room. The backseat is huge (car seats?) and I think there'd even be enough head room for my dad (that's hard to find)! I think 2010s look more like a mini SUV than a wagon. That's what I'll keep telling myself... :)

Whatever we end up getting, we'll definitely not lease. Worst. Idea. Ever. Although I know we'll probably be fine on mileage, I'm constantly worried about going over. I hate it! As of now we're about 1,000 miles over. Luckily it's only $.15 per mile if we go over 36,000 but adds up!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay dry!


J.Han said...

good tip on the NOT leasing!!! I was contemplating doing that instead of purchasing? You KNOW how I feel about my shitty wagon!!! I LOVE it! I was also impressed with the fact that we could fit a washer AND dryer in the back of it! woohoo!!!! go wagons! (haha)

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize it was a wagon until you mentioned it! Granted I'm no car person and it's just a picture, but I hope that makes you feel better! :-) And who cares if you drive a wagon? You'll have a great husband and hopefully a few healthy happy babies in a few years in a comfortable car and THAT's the great thing! :-)

-April U.