Thursday, July 29, 2010

Countdown: 11 weeks

What to Update

Baby is almost 17 inches tall now, nearly as tall as he will be at birth, and close to three pounds. This weight will nearly double--or come close to tripling by delivery time. His wrinkled skin is smoothing out as more fat is deposited under the skin surface. This fat, called white fat, is different from the earlier brown fat that your developing fetus accumulated. Brown fat is necessary for body temperature regulation while white fat actually serves as an energy source.

Space in your baby's living quarters is now at a premium, so you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees mostly. But those kicks will be more vigorous than before because your baby is stronger and excitedly responding to all sorts of stimuli--movement, sounds, light and the food you ate half an hour ago.

I'm still feeling great and feel so lucky to have had such a smooth pregnancy. Being with Ashley on Monday made me feel bad for complaining about my back, a non-baby related injury. I still have mild heart burn from time to time but that's about it. I've given in and started taking Tylenol for my back though. The pain was just too much to handle---I feel guilty about taking it but it's helping so I think it's worth the guilt that comes with it!

Tonight we're having dinner with a friend I traveled around Europe with. Her and her husband just moved to Longview and are expecting their first 2 months after us. They find out this afternoon what they're having, I can't wait to hear! Girl or boy, it's another little playmate for Baby ____!

Happy Thursday!

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