Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

When we have another baby, I need to remember that things really start getting entertaining, exciting and super fun at around age three.  Not that previous years weren't fun, this year was just the best yet.  And I think a lot of it has to do with the age.  Liam absolutely LOVED Halloween this year.  I'm feeling sad I didn't get a video of him trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  It was so cute to see a tiny Minion sprinting (not exaggerating) from house to house.  Then after the person opened their door he had to make small talk with them.  It was hilarious.  He kept asking one lady why she didn't have "sloppers."  That's Liam for Whoppers.  He's never even had them before!  He was running so fast, sometimes he'd run right by a house without even realizing it.  Then he would put on his brakes.  He started making this new braking sound last night.  He'd get to a driveway and make a loud braking sound and stop.

Kim and I took the kids to the Street of Screams at the fairgrounds.  Liam was terrified of that because there was a guy wearing a scary mask in front of us.  Speaking of masks, there was a dad wearing one in our neighborhood last night and Liam kept telling him to take it off.  He has no shame!  Thankfully the guy did, it was pretty terrifying---and our neighborhood is full of little kids.

When we got back to our house after trick-or-treating, the kids were equally excited to be the ones opening our door and handing out candy.  And Liam was quick with the questions again.  "Why are you wearing a mask?" (to a girl who wasn't...oh, liam). Then a huge truck drove by blaring, "What does the fox say?" And Liam went wild.  The sugar definitely had kicked in (more) at that point and we had to listen to the song a few times before he went to bed.

Liam is already talking about what he wants to be next year for Halloween.  So far he says an orange M&M.  ;)

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!  Happy November!

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