Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Day 7

Today I am thankful for a husband who is super mechanical and can fix all of our car problems.  He has been working in Washougal this week and called and his way home last night and said he was pulled over at a gas station, the driver side windshield wiper stopped working.  He didn't know what to do, he didn't have tools (he usually ALWAYS carries a small tool set with him) and it was raining too hard to drive without them.  He told me he'd call me back, and the next time he called, he had figured it out--e borrowed a wrench from the gas station and got it fixed.  AND, a few weeks ago when our car blew a head gasket, he got it all fixed---it was a big project and he even had to pull the engine out---and saved us more than $3,000 (the price to fix at the shop).  Thanks, Joe.  You are so smart and I love that about you!

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