Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Laundry fail

Dear Husband,

While you were at work last night, I was working hard at home. Moping, vacuuming and catching up on laundry that I didn't do over the weekend because we were gone. I know you appreciate everything I do so I hope you aren't too mad when I show you my laundry fail tonight when I get home from work.

I was doing a load of towels and just got done putting in the bleach. Prior to that I had done a load of darks and washed your mountain biking shorts. They were nicely folded on the dryer when my laundry fail happened. You know how I dropped a knife, a bowl and practically my entire dinner before you left for work? The same was the case with the bleach. On the shorts.

Please forgive me. They were old and ratty anyway. On the plus side, you get a new pair of mountain biking shorts!

With love,

Your wife who loves to use bleach

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