Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Almost done!

Unless my PET scan doesn't come back normal next week, my LAST chemo is Wednesday! I'm so excited, yet scared at the same time. For the last few months I've been monitored constantly. I feel like after Wednesday it wont be that way, I'll be done and let free. It's a scary feeling! I have to be at Providence at 8:30 on Wednesday. I'll meet with Dr. Nichols before chemo to figure out the next steps. He probably wont be certain until after my scans come back but as far as we know, I'll have about a three week break and then I'll start radiation. Radiation will be everyday for 4-6 weeks. This experience has definitely me a stronger person. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be spending my 25th birthday recuperating from a chemo treatment. I guess that goes to show how fast your life can change. Enjoy every minute of it!

Joe and I had an awesome weekend! On Friday we went for dinner with Jenny and Casey and on Saturday morning we drove to Tacoma and spent the rest of the weekend with his family. We also celebrated his best friend Nick's birthday Saturday night. It was so good to get to see so many people in such a short amount of time!

Besides being totally exhausted, I've been feeling pretty good lately. No sicky chemo side-effects and the cold or allergies or whatever I had seems to be gone, so it's been nice. Hopefully I have a couple more good days. Last chemo I started feeling bad on the way home....hopefully it wont happen so fast this time around! My biggest frustration right now is my lack of energy. I slept from 1:30-4:30 this afternoon and again from 9:30-midnight. I do good at work until about 1. I haven't been able to make it longer than that yet. It's torture! Another thing that's driving me crazy is my short-term memory. It's gone! It's so weird! They mentioned "chemo brain" and troubles with short-term memory, but for some reason I didn't think it would happen to me. Ya right! It's horrible. I'll be talking and totally forget what I was going to say! Hopefully this is just temporary!

Alright, time to go back to bed. I woke up with my leg hurting and then I started thinking about chemo on Wednesday and couldn't go back to sleep. I get freaked out when I have leg pain. Hopefully it's the chemo kickin' the cancers butt and not the other way around. I'm dreading chemo this time more than the first two. It's so hard to go get injected with poison for 6 hours knowing how it makes me feel, especially when I feel so good right now.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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