Monday, May 19, 2008

Lots has happened since I last wrote. I turned 25, my car insurance is now $300 cheaper a year because I turned 25, Joe and I went to LA, Joe turned 25 yesterday, and most importantly, they took my PICC line out today!!!

My birthday was low-key but good. We all went out to dinner and I got some pretty cool gifts including new earrings, a super cute Coach hat from Kim & George and my favorite thing, a day at the spa from Joe.

Joe and I ended up being able to go to LA, despite the fact I wasn't feeling very good. We had a blast! We also ended up going to San Diego on Saturday. We got back last night around 11. We stayed near LAX so we drove around Loyola Marymount, where I went to school my freshman year. It's hard to believe it's been six years since I lived down there! It was fun to reminisce and drive around campus. I wanted to walk around, but we happened to pick a very bad day: graduation. We could barley even drive around! LA is fun, but I wouldn't ever want to live down there again. It's crazy! Traffic, people everywhere....I would go crazy having to put up with that everyday. Joe's birthday was yesterday. We slept in, hung out in the sun and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Marina del Rey before our flight left. I'm so glad we were able to still go, it was a much needed getaway for the two of us.

I was feeling pretty crappy last week but I'm not sure if it was from chemo or from having shingles or both. I've developed a horrible scary looking rash/grossness on my arm where my PICC line was. I had to go have them look at it today and they decided it was ok to take it out. I don't have tubes hanging out of my arm anymore! My arm is pretty infected though. It's dripping puss. It's so disgusting, not to mention miserable. It's swollen, it burns....I think it's a good thing they took it out. I think the bandages were irritating everything even more. I just hope the grossness goes away soon....I want to be able to wear short sleeves!

I have my next appointment with Dr. Nichols on Wednesday morning. Hopefully all goes well and we can start radiation within the next few weeks. I'm so ready for all of this to be over and done with! I have my next appointment with Dr. Hayden, the orthopedic oncologist at OHSU, next Friday the 30. Hopefully he'll say I'm good to go and can start exercising again. And wear heels again! I had heels on today but Joe caught me and made me put on my running shoes before I went to work... :(

Alright, that's my update. I'll post pictures from our trip eventually. I just don't have the energy now. The littlest tasks seem so huge to me nowadays. Yet another great side effect of chemo!

Oh yeah, one more thing. I love being bald. I just put on my wig (or hat) and go! I almost get ready as fast as Joe now! :)

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