Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Goodbye, Chemo. Hello, Radiation.

Chemo is officially OVER! They had me scheduled for chemo today just in case, but Dr. Nichols said no way. I'm done! And it feels oh-so-good. Mom, dad and Kim all went with me to my appointment. He said the chance of the cancer coming back ever again is slim-to-none. I truly feel like I lucked out. Getting cancer was far from lucking out, but I am so lucky to have caught it so early and to have gotten such a curable type. Now it's on to radiation. I'll be doing that in Longview since it will be everyday for 4-6 weeks. I have an appointment with the radiation doctor tomorrow morning at 10:30. I think it's just to talk about the plan of attack and decide when it needs to be started. I have my next CT scan on Tuesday, so we'll get to see my beautiful femur WITHOUT a huge tumor! Dr. Nichols said it might be hard to see how much of it is gone because my bone is broken and it's still in the healing process. However, I have no doubt that the chemo kicked my cancers butt. Just the fact that I have no pain and I'm able to walk again is a pretty good indication.

After our appointment with Dr. Nichols I had to go to see a dermatologist about my arm. It's developed into a horrible infection and it's making me miserable. I wake up constantly during the night, it burns, it's's nasty. They originally thought it was shingles, but turns out it's not. The dermatologist said I have impetigo, a bacterial skin infection. He put me on antibiotics, so hopefully it clears up soon.

I got an e-mail today about the LIVESTRONG Challenge. It's a 5K walk/run on June 29 in Portland. I really want to do it. Obviously I wont be running, but I think I could manage the walk. I think I'm going to start a team, so if you're interested in doing it with me, let me know!

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