Friday, February 6, 2009

Flashback Friday

This time two years ago my mom, dad, Kim, George, Joe and I were at Disneyland! My mom and dad surprised all of us at Christmas with a mini-vacation to California. It was the most exciting Christmas I think I've ever had. They had all 4 of us open packages at the same time and inside was a picture of an Alaska Airlines plane and it said something like, "We're going to Disneyland!" I felt like a little kid when I read it! It was a wonderful trip---it's always so much fun when all 6 of us go somewhere together!

We got back on February 6, the day before I started my job at Bud Clary's. That means I've been working at Clary's for two years on Saturday already. How can that be?!

This time a year ago I was in a wheelchair and making trips to see Dr. Conrad at the University of Washington. Definitely opposite from the prior year when we were at the "Happiest Place on Earth." Never imagined a year later I'd be getting ready for a biopsy to determine if I had cancer.

It's amazing how different life is this February 6. We know have a new member of our family, Joe and I are planning our wedding----nothing but good! Except for Subie being a total invalid!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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