Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sleepless night....

There's not many nights when I wake up dreading to look at the clock for fear that it's not time to get up. This is one of those nights. I was probably asleep by 8:30 (Nyquill), but just woke up totally miserable. I just looked and saw that it's only 12:42 am and feel like crying. Or at least getting some sympathy but Joe is working so I have to resort to this! I am freezing to death. I've been waking up periodically since about 10 because I was shivering so badly---I finally had to do something about it. Not wanting to take a bath, I decided just to put more clothes on. I am now laying in bed with ski socks, sweat pants (tucked into the socks---to avoid any air leakage!), t-shirt and a hoodie. With the hood on. Oh ya, and a heating pad that's on the hottest setting it has.
Needless to say, I am SICK. WhenI cough it sounds like I've smoked all of my life, my nose is running, my throat is sore and my ears feel like they're going to explode. Nooooooooooo!

Ok, enough about that. Hopefully morning will come fast. I'll go to work for a few and come home and park it on the couch with Subie for the remainder of the day. Assuming I feel like I feel now in 6 hours..

Time to go watch TLC. It's a show about extreme dwarfs. I suppose life could always be worse!

Stay healthy!

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