Friday, May 7, 2010

Flashback Friday

Three weeks ago today we toured the Sex Museum in Amsterdam! We being my mom, Joe and I. My dad tells this story to everyone, but I haven't shared it yet. My dad was in meetings all day Friday so the three of us were on our own. As we were walking mom spotted the Sex Museum. "Oh, look! It's a Sex Museum! We need to go! Cross the street, we have to go!" She was adamant, I think Joe thought she was joking, but we crossed the street per her instructions and paid the fee to get in. I should've taken more pictures inside but I think I was too grossed out to even think about getting my camera out! It would've been good to have more documentation though! That night dad had to tell everyone that his wife took his son-in-law to a Sex Museum. Wonder how often that happens?! Sorry to tell your story mom---couldn't think of anything else to blog about though! :)

HAPPY FRIDAY! Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. I think I see sun outside. Horray!

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