Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Is going to be a great year! Every year seems to get better and better. I remember when I was young I would wish the years away. I wanted to be 16, I wanted to go to college, I wanted to graduate from college. It all seemed to go so slow then. Now I wish I could just freeze time for awhile. I love life how it is right now, I really don't think it could get much better! Unless Joe and I won the lottery and could both retire. ;)

I don't have any resolutions for 2010. I never have been one to make them, probably because they just always end up getting broken. I do have some goals though......

1. Get all closets in our house totally cleaned out and organized. We're wasting space with my old prom dresses, random memorabilia that I don't want to throw away but never look at, etc.

2. Be better at planning meals for the week. Only go to the grocery store once a week. I hate having to go after work for random stuff.

3. Eat from every food group, every day.

4. Relax a little. If Joe is working nights and I can't make the bed before I leave for the day it's not the end of the world. Also not the end of the world if our house isn't spotless 24/7 and smelling like Pine-Sol (my fav smell=clean house).

5. Spend more time with grandparents, my side and Joe's side. Life gets busy and I don't see my grandma as much as I should, especially considering she lives in the same town as me. Same with Joe's grandparents. We spent 4 hours playing cards with them last time we were in Edgewood and we had a blast---need to do things like that more often.

6. NO DIET SODA OF ANY KIND. I've been known to be a diet pop junky. I've been weening myself and refuse to drink it in 2010. This is week 2 of being 'dry.' It can't be good for me, probably causes cancer and too much caffeine.

7. Limit caffeine to 2 cups of coffee per day. I don't need it, it doesn't give me energy---so what's the point?

That's all. I guess those are resolutions, huh? I guess I just don't like that word.

Off to finish getting ready for work......may today and the rest of the week fly by!

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