Sunday, January 17, 2010


That's a picture of Joe and the guy that Joe sold his motorcycle to. That's right, he sold his beloved motorcycle! But only so he can buy a new and different one. He's had it listed on Craigslist for months with no luck. On Friday an older guy called and said he had cash and wanted it. Joe was hesitant but offered to meet him in Salem because he was coming all the way from Sisters, OR. He showed up with his wife, loved the bike and ended up riding it home---over the pass and everything! I must admit, it was kinda sad seeing him ride away on it. That bike was Joe! It didn't look right seeing someone else ride it away.

After Salem we made a dreaded trip to Costco. It was so crowded. Miserable. Can I just say I hate the stupid sample stands? People block the aisles with their carts just to get a taste of gross microwaved whatever or a tiny slice of apple or a crumb of bread with butter. One of my new pet peeves!

After Costco we went and hung out with Kim, George and Sophie. We went to another new restaurant (well, new to Joe and I), Nostrana. Their pizza was amazing. It reminded me exactly of the pizza in Naples, Italy. So good! They don't cut it (just like in Italy) and bring scissors to the table so you can cut it. It was a great dinner. Another must try when in Portland. On our way there we passed by Voodoo Doughnuts. We had to swing in and check it out. It was after 5pm but the place was packed! Kim and I ran in just to see what all the hype was about and they had some pretty crazy looking doughnuts. We were only in for about 3 minutes but came out reeking like grease. Even the guys could smell it on us when we got back into the car! Ick.

Today: clean, laundry, clean some more, grocery know, all the fun, never-ending stuff!

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