Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Safe and sound

Joe's home! He got home after I was already in bed which means I have no recollection of talking to him----I'm the soundest sleeper ever. I'm sure I did, probably had a conversation, but once I'm asleep I'm gone. I guess I'll consider myself lucky, especially considering what a hard time my dad and sister have sleeping, but it's kind of frustrating! Now Joe's sleeping soundly---he sleeps just as hard as I do---and I can't stand to wake him up. I think avalanche training totally wiped him out. Good thing he has today and tomorrow off!

I am SO excited that Jay Leno is going back to his 11:35 time! I love Jay Leno, but I think his 10pm show was really bad. The only thing that remained good were the headlines. I hardly am ever up at 11:35 on weeknights but I would hate to see him off the air completely so I'm glad he's going back to where his ratings are good!

I also have the travel bug again. Bad. I know, it hasn't even been 3 months since we've been back from Maui, but I'm craving a vacation. Our dreams of going to Cedar Point have been put on hold until at least May. They have a very short operating schedule. Guess it wouldn't be very fun to be in Ohio in the dead of winter though. Weather.com says it's currently 27 but feels like it's 16. Brrrr. I'm also ready to go back to Hawaii. Even if we did Maui again. We went to Maui February in '08 and it was an amazing time to go. Everywhere we looked we saw whales. There were so many you could even hear them in the water. It was the coolest thing ever! Other travel wants are Vegas with a trip to the Grand Canyon. I really want to take Joe to Vegas, he's never been! And we've both never been to the Grand Canyon so it would be a good time to see it. I also think a cruise would be fun (they're cheapest of all) as well as a ski themed vacation. We would both love to go to Colorado. Or even to Whistler once the Olympics are over. Joe said it's amazing, I want to see it! Travel is so cheap right now---I feel like we should be taking advantage of the bad economy and go for it! Plus, we have almost 100K miles we need to use and an Alaska Airlines companion ticket that expires May 31. We gotta do something!

I have two weeks of vacation that I can use come February 7, so I have now until then to spend my online time researching vacations. Probably my favorite thing to do. Even if we never end up going, I still love doing it. :)

Is it Friday yet?

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