Friday, January 15, 2010

The hunt is still on!

The hunt to find our new 'pre-loved' Subaru is still on. Joe was right, finding a Limited with a manual transmission is hard. They are few and very far between. We found one in Skokie, IL (about 20 minutes outside of Chicago) yesterday. Low miles, 1-owner, limited, manual....perfect car. We went as far as to contacting them to see if they could pick us up from the airport if we got one-way tickets to Chicago. By the way, one-way tickets to Chicago are cheap! We were going to fly out and drive it back. We thought it would be a fun adventure! But sure enough, they were selling it when I talked to them. SO FRUSTRATING. So then I asked our used car buyer if he could start looking for us and he got this weird look on his face and said, "Um, about that. We sold the one Joe wanted." No sh*t. Really?! Then he said, "I was hoping you wouldn't notice." Awesome. Glad to know they think I'm that stupid! Hahaha. At least we still have a few months, I'm sure something will come up. And hey, we might get to make a little mini-vacation out of it! Here's to hoping one turns up somewhere sunny, hot and close to lots of roller coasters. And beaches. :)

It's FRIDAY! TGIF! I forced myself to get up and workout this morning. It always helps knowing it's Friday. And I always feel better when I do get up, it's just so much easier said than done. I blame the darkness. And rain. At least there are always good excuses. When it starts staying light really late I use that one. "I stayed up too late because it was so light out, I need the extra sleep." Justified.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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