Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bye bye hair

Ok, this is getting to be ridiculous. If I even just run my fingers through my hair I come out with huge clumps. However, because I have sooo much hair, you still can't even tell. It's amazing. You should see all the hair we've had to sweep/roll/vacuum up! It's disgusting! But like Joe says, at least we know the chemo is working!

Anyway, I'm to the point where I can't wash and dry it by myself, so I'm going into PALS tomorrow to get it done. I'll let her determine whether it's worth saving. I have a feeling as soon as the heat from the blow dryer hits it, it will be gone. We shall see. I better enjoy my potentially last night with hair! I just have to remember not to touch it. And I have to stay away from food...it gets into everything. I already don't have an appetite, having a mouth full of hair in my food doesn't help! I might as well just do the damn thing and have her shave it. It just seems so cold! And I don't think it will grow back very fast. What if I have to wear a wig to my
wedding?! :(

As I write this, other than feeling totally exhausted and nauseous, I'm feeling OK. I slept a lot today. I went to bed at 10, woke up briefly at 8 to take some meds, slept till 11 then slept all the way to Portland. And yet I'm still exhausted. I can't wait to have energy back again! We had to go down to Portland to get my white blood cell booster shot, so hopefully that works. I can't imagine getting sick on top of all the chemo side effects! I haven't been able to eat much today. Just a small cup of soup. I think for dinner I'll have a junior frosty from Wendy's. That's the only thing that sounds good. Healthy, huh?! Oh well, at least it has lots of sugar, fat and calories. Haha, exactly what I don't need!

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