Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's gone!

Well, my hair is gone. Actually, it's not totally gone, I just look like a guy. Seriously, I feel like my hair is just about as short as Joe's! I went to get it washed this morning at PALS, but we decided it would be best to just cut it super short since so much of it was falling out. So here I am, looking like a guy. When I look at myself I just laugh. Crying wont do much good, so I might as well laugh about it.

I'm not quite brave enough to show a picture's still pretty shocking, but perhaps I'll get the courage to do it later today or tomorrow. We'll see.

I've been feeling pretty crappy today. I've been staying on top of my anti-nausea medicines, but I still feel that feeling like at any moment I might throw up. And I'm absolutely exhausted. Even though I slept 10+ hours last night. Have I mentioned how excited I am for this to be over with?!

Thanks to Alan, Brenda and Jeannie at PALS for the complimentary butch cut. :) And again, to everyone else, thanks for the continued support, prayers, e-mails, cards (nothing like getting REAL mail!), flowers, food, and everything else. I'm just so amazed by all of it. I've written more thank you notes than I can even count! The other day Joe stopped me and said, "You don't need to send thank you notes to people who send cards, Katie." So I haven't been doing that...but please know that it means the world to me!

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