Friday, August 20, 2010


Had to title this post TGIF. Will I still think TGIF after today? I definitely think Fridays will be less exciting when I'm not always waiting for the weekend. Or maybe I'll be even more excited for weekends---Joe will be off and can relieve me of some of the baby duties? We shall find out!

I can't believe today is my last day of work. I'm so excited yet scared at the same time. Scared because I have no idea what to expect now. Quitting has been so far off in the future and now it's here. In less than 2 months we'll have a baby and I really have no idea what to expect with that! I dreamed all night about the new girl and her taking over my job. I'm worried she's going to go in on Monday and not have a clue what to do. I don't want that to make me look bad but then again, she's only been there 3 days after today. There's a lot to learn, especially since she really has no idea what she's doing. I honestly don't think she'll be there long. But maybe I'm wrong.

Went to the concert at the lake last night. Joanna---JOE WENT WITH! Probably only because he knows I would've given him a big guilt trip had he not gone. Especially since he had just finished golfing and motorcycle riding and doing whatever he wanted all day. :) I don't think it was as bad as he thought it would be. Can't wait for next summer! Such a fun thing to do on a nice summer night!

Ok, off to finish my last day of my 3 1/2 year career. It might be sad today, especially with everyone saying how much they'll miss me (haha, liars?), but next week it will be like I never existed. Such as life.

Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Getting to the end of a significant stretch of time needs to be marked and later remembered. Good post.

J.Han said...

next summer we're going to the concerts and taking booze. hehe.