Sunday, February 3, 2008


Welcome to my blog! After several failed attempts, I've decided to start a blog again. The first one I ever had was way back when people didn't even know what a blog was. I felt kind of geeky being the only one who had one, but now it seems like everyone has one!

For those that I haven't kept in touch with over the past few years, here's what I've been up to. I graduated from Washington State University (GO COUGS!) in December of 2005. The years at WSU went oh-so-fast. It's hard to believe it's been over 2 years since I graduated! My time in Pullman was great. I joined a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, made some amazing friends and met my boyfriend, Joe. And oh ya, I got a great education, too. :)

Anyway, I'm currently working in marketing at Bud Clary Chevrolet in Longview. Yep, I'm back in Longview. It's really not all that bad. Joe is living down here as well and is working at Columbia Analytical Services. We have a house, a wonderful kitty Subie and all-in-all, a great life!

I'm going through some scary medical issues right now. About mid-December my right knee started to hurt very badly. I didn't feel well enough to exercise, but didn't think too much about it, as I thought it was just from skiing/running...being active. It continued to hurt to the point where I decided to go to the doctor. I first went on January 18th and they did an X-Ray. The X-Ray was normal, but the pain still persisted. About a week later, I was having severe pain again and went to the doctor for a second time. This time they decided to do an MRI. I found out on Friday, February 1st, that the MRI is abnormal. I saw Dr. Kretzler at the Pacific Surgical Institue, and he informed us that whatever is going on is beyond anything anyone in Longview can do for me. I now have to go to the University of Washington either tomorrow or Tuesday to see Dr. Conrad, a tumor specialist. They'll most likely do a biopsy to determine what's going on. It's something inside of the bone and Dr. Kretzler said it could be a number of things including lymphoma. At this point we're all in shock, very scared but trying to stay optimistic.

I never realized how much I take everyday things for granted until something scary like this happens. Luckily I have a ton of support from family and friends, so I know I'll get through everything.

Please pray for me during this time, especially this week as the doctors in Seattle determine what's wrong. It's going to be a scary week.

I'll use this blog to keep everyone updated, as it's the easiest way for me to communicate what's going on and how I'm feeling.

Stay tuned for more!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Love, Katie

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