Wednesday, January 5, 2011

11 weeks!

Liam is 11 weeks today! He woke up smiling and has been cooing and smiling at me all morning. I LOVE it! Every morning I sing a song to him that I made up. It's short and sweet but he has really started responding to it the last couple of weeks. He immediately quiets down when I start singing it and gives me a great big smile. It's so sweet! He's growing so fast. I just finished getting him dressed and the pants to the outfit I wanted him to wear no longer fit. Well, they fit but let's just say they looked like Spandex. :( On to 3-6 month sizes! He has also started sleeping wonderfully at night. The last week or so he's been asleep in his bassinet by 8:30pm and usually sleeps until 3:30 or 4. I feed him at that time and then he's out again until 7:30ish. We've definitely established a routine and I think it's really helped. After bath time he knows that it's time to nurse, he even starts smacking! We're all feeling so much better and rested! As I write this, I have him in my front pack. He didn't want to hang out in his swing, he wanted mommy to carry him. His head is on my chest and he is sound asleep. It's the best feeling ever.

Today: eye doctor appointment. Pretty sure I'm on the verge of being blind! We'll see what the doc says. I know my eyes have changed more since having Liam. I have glasses, I just don't wear them. And I don't like contacts. Don't know what to do! Must do something though. Also having lunch with Aili and Shailia to give our aunt a picture that we took of Liam and Shailia. Happy Wednesday!

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