Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Otitis externa

Liam has otitis externa, basically a fancy term for swimmer's ear. The doctor said it's fairly common in babies and told us not to worry, it's not painful for him. It can become painful if not treated though. SO glad I took him in. And just because of a smell. A smell that Joe couldn't smell. Must be part of being a mom, I could smell something just wasn't right! We have to give him ear drops 4 times a day and it should be gone in just a few days. YAY! The best part about going to the doctor was being able to get Liam weighed! We weighed him at home a few days ago but I'm sure their scale is more accurate. He was 14lbs 14oz and almost 26" long! I was right, he's growing like a weed! That puts him in the 70th percentile for weight and 84th for height.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

J.Han said...

I'm kind of SHOCKED you knew something was wrong just by his ear smell, ya freak! that's amazing!!! haha. p.s. that pic of Liam so cute! can't wait to see more.