Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is on the way. Just heard the count, only 17 days. Yipee! I've never been so excited for it to come. Usually I'm sad winter is almost over but not since having Liam. I'm so ready for longer, warmer and dryer days so we can get out more. Let's just hope we have a good spring. Spring is usually a bummer season here. It's not cold, it's not warm....just dreary and wet. Usually the best thing about it is knowing that summer is just around the corner!

It cleared up for a bit yesterday evening so Joe and I took Liam on a walk around our neighborhood. Less of an ordeal than loading up and going to the lake...just walk out the door and can get back fast if it starts raining! During our walk we were talking about Charlie again. Funny because of all people, Joe is the most anti-Hollywood person I've ever met! Or so he claims. Seems he still always knows more than I do! :) Joe's favorite Sheen quote: "I'm a total frickin' rock star from Mars."

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Katie you are so funny. I know, the whole Charlie Sheen thing is so intriguingly icky.