Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's a beautiful day

As Joe was leaving for work this morning I opened up the window and said, "Another beautiful day..." under my breath. It's been rainy and dreary everyday and when I looked out the window it was pouring. After I said that Joe said, "Don't say that, it's a great day. Everyday is a great day." I didn't think much about what he said until after he left. He's right. Who cares if it's rainy? Yes, it would be nice to be able to go outside without getting soaked, but what's the point of complaining about it? It could be so much worse than just a rainy day. As I write this, I'm patiently waiting to hear what my friend Krystal found out at her appointment yesterday. I got a text last night that said, "please pray, don't really want to talk yet." I know what that means. I felt the same exact way when I got my diagnosis. I feel devastated for her and her family. I remember after I found out we went to University Village. I don't think we got out of the car, we all just sat in the Sequoia in shock. Made phone calls. I remember seeing people park, get out of their cars, headed to do some shopping, have lunch and thinking how lucky they were. I was just told I had cancer and they were just going about their normal day. In our car, our world had totally stopped. It was the worst feeling ever. I'm sure that's what her family is feeling right now and it makes me feel sick. Keep keeping Krystal, her babies and family in your thoughts......

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