Sunday, March 20, 2011


Spring is here! I really can't believe it, where did winter go? Time is seriously going so fast. I find myself stopping and having to think what month it is! It can't possibly be the end of March already.. :( Today is my grandma's 80th birthday and Mr. Liam's 5 month birthday. A big day all around!

Today I am feeling so thankful. Thankful for our sweet baby napping in his crib, thankful to be celebrating my grandma's 80th birthday, thankful for my wonderful husband, family and friends. I often get so wrapped up in life I don't take the time to stop and think how lucky and blessed we all are. I've been following a blog, Rockstar Ronan, (his mom is originally from Kelso) and I feel so sick every time I read it. I had to stop after Liam was born, it scared me too much to read it, but I've recently started reading and following this little guys battle with cancer again. Life is so unfair sometimes, so unpredictable. I should realize that after what I went through with cancer but it's amazing how fast you forget how fragile life is. I can't even begin to imagine what Ronan's mama is going through. My heart aches every time I read her entries. She ended one of her latest entries with, "I would like to say a big FUCK YOU CANCER for doing this to my beautiful baby boy. I hate you very, very, much." Very well stated. I would scream that everyday if I was going through what she is.

Keep my friend Krystal and her family in your thoughts this week as she'll be having her brain surgery on Tuesday morning. Why do such horrible things happen to such good people? It will never, ever make sense to me.

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