Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight savings = wife fail

I didn't wake up until 7:16 this morning, three minutes before Joe left for work! He was happy that he was capable of being quiet, but I felt sad and guilty. He doesn't expect me to get up with him but I love our mornings together before he leaves for work. We always have coffee, talk...morning is definitely my energetic time. When he gets home at 8 I'm usually too tired. Sometimes I even find myself with a story or something we need to talk about but think to myself that I'll just wait until the morning, when I have more energy for it. :) I also like to help him get his lunch ready and make him breakfast. None of those happened today. I know he doesn't expect help with his lunch and breakfast either, but it makes me feel good and I know he appreciates it. As I sit here after drinking my first cup of coffee, I realize another reason I might subconsciously get up with him. He drinks less coffee! I don't have enough for a second cup.......... :( Here's to hoping I'm back to my regular wake-up time tomorrow!

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