Monday, March 10, 2008


For once I don't have much to say! Joe and I had a great weekend. We went to Portland on Saturday for the Winter Hawks game. I won tickets at the Clary Christmas party and kinda forgot about them, so we thought we better use them. First we went to Costco (we have enough toilet paper to last 20 years now!), REI to get Joe new ski poles and then we had dinner at 360 Pizzeria before the game. The game was a blast, but I was totally exhausted when we got home and all day Sunday. All day yesterday I felt like someone was stabbing me in my chest. I think it's from crutchin' it too much. The walk from the parking garage to the game to our seats was VERY long. At least I'm getting some physical activity though!

I worked again today, which felt great. Dennis even got me all set up so I can access my work computer from our home computer if I need to get stuff done and can't make it in. It's not really necessary now, but I'm sure I'll have my bad days after treatment gets started. I feel so lucky to work for such a great employer!

I guess I was wrong when I said I didn't have much to say, huh?! Whoops! I guess I might as well continue now though! :) Joe's going skiing this weekend at Crystal. I'm so jealous! Oh well, I have many ski seasons ahead of me. He's way better than me now anyway. My favorite runs are like the rope tow to him now! I think I might ride the Amtrak up there on Saturday evening. I just need to get away, if even for a night. It's faster to ride the train (if it leaves on time) than it is to drive....and it's only $21! I can't drive now anyway, so it seems like a good option, then I can just ride back with Joe on Sunday. The big JH Kelly party is Friday. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but I don't know if I'll feel much like going. We'll see. I guess it doesn't take a lot of effort to sit around and socialize all night!

Ok, that's all. I'll leave you with a slide show I made. We just now got our photos uploaded to our computer! Enjoy!

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