Friday, March 28, 2008

SO happy!

Yesterday we went for a third opinion with Dr. Craig Nichols at Providence in Portland. We decided to go to this appointment because the first two doctors had different treatment plans. We were told the risks of having too much chemo, so I wanted to make sure I got just the right amount.

Dr. Nichols said his treatment for my cancer would be 3 rounds of chemo followed by 4-6 weeks of radiation. He said that with someone young like me, having 6 rounds of chemo can cause permanent damage to the heart and increase my chance of becoming infertile. He said if 3 rounds didn't take it away, 6 wouldn't either, so more isn't always better. I really liked this doctor and I've decided that this is where I'll be getting treated. He was very friendly, personable and easy to talk to. Not that the other two doctors weren't, I just really felt comfortable with him. And he treated LANCE ARMSTRONG!! I think that's so awesome!

The nurse came in after he was done to look at my veins and they determined I wont need a port! Not even a pick line! They said I have very good veins and with only 3 rounds of chemo, he doesn't think it's necessary to have a port. YAY!! I was pretty freaked out about that!!

Anyway, I feel very encouraged. I haven't felt this good since before I found out I had the nasty c word! There's a light at the end of the tunnel.....and I'll be done with chemo at the end of April!! He even said I may not lose all of my hair! It will get thin, but since I have enough hair for 4 people, I may not even have to wear my super cool wigs!

My first treatment will either be next Tuesday or Wednesday. I really feel that I've made the right decision and look forward to getting on with my life. I'm so thankful that I was able to get to see Dr. Steinberg. He was the one who questioned 6 rounds of chemo, so if it weren't for him, I'd be getting poisoned for a lot longer than necessary!

George asked the doctor (yes, everyone in the family goes to all of these appointments!), why the doctor in Seattle suggested 6. Of course, Dr. Nichols said he can't speak for him, but he said Seattle is used to treating cancers that are more involved and a higher stage than mine. He also said that when he has tough lymphoma questions, he doesn't call Seattle, he calls somewhere up in B.C. because they're one of the biggest lymphoma places on the west coast. That made me feel good too.

Today I only have one appointment! It's another appointment at the fertility clinic (I've gone everyday this week). They'll do another ultrasound and see how things are looking. They called yesterday after they got my blood work back and said that my estradiol is over 3,000. That's the highest it will ever be! The follicles are getting so big! Joe and I have to be down there again on Sunday for the retrieval. Both of our parents are going to go too, then I think we'll celebrate the first grandchildren (there may be a lot!) after. I know that's kinda dorky and a little overboard, but we're so excited about this! It's been one of the only things thats kept me going throughout all of the other crappy cancer stuff.

Happy Friday!

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